Recently Asus introduces its new Lamborghini Eee PC VX6 Netbook which is comes with extra-ordinary feature. It is built with ultra portable 12.1 inch laptop which is designed by the superstar Murcielago LP640 Roadster. Our feature includes a NVIDIA’s ION 2 graphics, Optimus graphics switching technology, dual core Intel Atom D525 1.8GHz processor and superior energy efficiency. The new Lamborghini Eee PC VX6 Netbook comes with light weight so you can use it anywhere.
The netbooks provides latest tremendous features it’s built in best Bang and Olufsen Icepower speakers and SRS Premium surround sound. Asus is an innovative company for making computer gadget like laptop and Netbook. Other features include new USB 3.0 ports and Bluetooth 3.0 wireless technology which is supports WiFi.
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