Recently LG electronics has introduced a latest feature and smart functionality based Android mobile which is available in US market, at this time. LG axis android mobile is come up fantastic feature look and design that is run on Android 2.1 operating and works with CDMA EV-DO network, friendly. This latest electronic product is different from other since it is offers finest features and simple functionality.
LG axis android mobile features includes a 3.2-inch touch screen screen display, sliding QWERTY keyboard, WIFI 802.11b/g/n, Bluetooth functionality, GPS, 32GB MicroSD card slot, 3.5 mm headphone jack, fifteen thusand mAh battery with 7.5 hours battery backup. Prior you have to seems various type of latest electronic product in the market but I think LG axis android mobile is different from look design and functionality.
cost of mobile - $89.99 [more]
Saturday, January 15, 2011
4:53 AM