You are among those which fall continuously things of hand, distracted and yet used a mobile phone ten years ago because aware that not only covers would have a short life? General dynamics laptop MR-1 is the product of choice: developed by General Dynamics and I think you immediately realized that a product is created to last. In fact this is its salient features this magnesium chassis that gives excellent resistance to shocks or changes thermal sealable door, optional GPS antenna, full QWERTY keyboard without inter spacing to be immune to sand and water, screen touch screen from 5.6 inches, all for about 800 grams of weight. Pity for the internal specifications that it seems enough to penalize this point of view, besides the price: you will have to pay about 5000 dollars, but to say that there is certainly not likely to break. General dynamics laptop has decided to issue for the Japanese market and this is new Dynamo MR-1 Series. After more than 1 year of waiting and launched a latest model Cinema Display and the external screen computer for those dimensions require incurred on which to operate and using laser and water jets material for the purpose of obtaining a single slab lightweight and sturdy.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
8:15 PM